My dear friends, Being home because of COVID19 gave extra time to start a website on art and spirituality. The website is called Art and Soul with Elio. I would like to make it clear that I am not an art historian. I am presenting from my heart, the ways that art has touched me and what I see and experience when looking at art. While I may discuss the techniques and history related to an art work, my primary focus is the spiritual dimension that the work opens and the way it provokes reflection and prayer. The length of the videos is between 3 to 5 minutes so that they can be used for prayer and reflection in a classroom, staffroom, home or any way you may like. I hope that sharing my thoughts and ideas will prompt you to uncover the spiritual in art as you experience it.
This is the address https://elioartandsoul.wordpress.com
This is a free website and so let your friends and colleagues know about it. I intend to make one new video per week. Whenever possible the theme of the videos will reflect the cycle of the Liturgical Year. Please, enjoy and let me have your feedback. Keep smiling, Elio