Infant Baptism
Baptism is the beginning of a process of belonging to the Church and our community. We know that children need time to grow and develop, so the Catholic Church spaces the process of Catholic Initiation over many years.
Over the next few years your child will also celebrate Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.
Like all sacraments of the Church, baptism is a celebration for all, not just those immediately known to the family. Baptism is not a private family affair. It is the very business of a community in faith which receives the newly-baptised person into its midst.
In our Parish, Baptism is a three step process.
1. Parents attend a formation evening (usually held the 2nd Tuesday each month at the Parish House, 7.30pm, at 2 Normandy Rd, Elwood)
2. Parents and child attend a Welcome Mass prior to the Baptism.
3. The celebration of the Baptism can be either at any parish Mass or at a 12.30pm Baptism liturgy on the fourth Sunday of each month at St. Columba only.
As we have a high volume of baptisms, the option for baptism at a weekend mass, is primarily for people living in and / or having a connection with our Parish.
P lease contact the Parish office for an initial conversation about Baptism.
Baptism of Older children
Some of the children who attend our St Columba Primary School are not Catholic and make the choice to be baptised in the Catholic tradition.

The children undertake preparation with our Pastoral Ministry Leader in the lead up to their Baptism.

The children are then able to continue to prepare for and receive the other Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.

Children and families can contact the Parish to discuss any questions they have about Baptism.