Check in here for all your upcoming events in our Parish

Parish BBQ
& Christmas Carols
SUNDAY 15 DECEMBER 12.30PM - 3.00PM Pergola, Parish House Elwood
Our wonderful Brazilian BBQers are getting their sizzle on in preparation for another parish favourite, the Christmas BBQ. Please join us on Sunday 15 December at 12.30pm-3.00pm at the Parish House pergola for a chance to catch up with old and new friends.
Meat and vegetarian options supplied as well as drinks. Parishioners are asked to bring along a salad or dessert to share. We can arrange a lift for those who need it so please indicate that too. There are sign up sheets at the back of church or you can RSVP here. Please indicate if you can bring a dessert or salad and if you need a lift.
An added bonus will be our Parish Choir entertaining us with Christmas Carols.

For your calendar
Sunday 15 December - Parish BBQ & Christmas Carols
12.30pm - 3.00pm Pergola, Parish House Elwood
Sunday 28th September - Parish Spring Music Festival
2pm - 5pm Sacred Heart Church
Sunday 28th July - Soup and sweet lunch - Parish Social
12.30pm - 3pm Parish Centre Elwood